+597 490044 info@nimos.org

Our History

The National Institute for Environment and Development in Suriname (NIMOS) was established on March 15, 1998 as the executive body of the National Environmental Council (NMR).

The NMR and NIMOS were the answer to negative environmental development. Suriname was confronted with environmental problems such as:

  • Poor drainage systems for waste water;
  • Inadequate collection and disposal of waste;
  • Uncontrolled shell and sand excavations;
  • Mercury pollution of soil and waterways;
  • Uncontrolled discharge of industrial waste;
  • Etc.

NIMOS has built up a reputation within society and the government as an independent, technically competent, professional and progressive partner in the regulation and structuring of the various sectors in charge of the environment. 

Our Organization

The NIMOS is an autonomous government foundation, currently transitioning into a National Environmental Authority. There is a Foundation Board, which is the supervisory body. The current Board, responsible for the transition consists of the following 5 members:

  • Mrs. Vanuessa Gefferie – Chair
  • Mr. Ritesh Sardjoe – Finances
  • Mrs. Rathna Kewal – Secretary
  • Mr. Mohammed Radjan – Member
  • Mr. Danny Amatngalim – Member

The board is appointed for 2 years by the President of the Republic of Suriname.

For the day-to-day management and overall coordination of NIMOS, this task is done by the General Director/ Executive Team. Currently, Mr. Quan Tjon-Akon and Mr. Donovan Bogor have been appointed as the Executive team since July 10th 2023.

NIMOS consists of several offices, each tasked with specific responsibilities, namely:

  1. Administration
  2. Environmental & Social Assessment
  3. Environmental Monitoring & Enforcement
  4. Environmental Legal Services
  5. Environmental Education & Public Outreach
  6. Environmental Planning & Information Management
  7. Environmental Funding & Investments
  8. Environmental Research

The latter two offices are not yet operational.

Currently NIMOS has 27 staff members, of which 22 are employed on a permanent basis and the remaining on a project basis.

Our Mission

To initiate the development of a national
legal and institutional framework for environmental
policy and management in the interest of
sustainable development.

Our Goals

  1. Achieving National Environmental Legislation in the broadest sense of the word
  2. Preparing and implementing Environmental Protection legislation
  3. Coordination and monitoring of Compliance

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